Are there any interactive features, such as quizzes or discussions?
Each course contains 10 random questions related to the course. The test does not have a time limit and the answers are revealed at the end.
Are there any offline capabilities, such as downloading course materials?
Yes, users can download all materials for all courses and access these materials offline.
Is there a customer support team available?
At the moment there is no customer support team available, but users can contact LASU. All their social media platforms are available at the bottom of this page.
Can I access the web app from my phone or laptop computer?
The web application is accessible on any device and browser, as long as the user has internet access. Though the appearance may vary across different devices and browsers, the application still maintains all necessary functionalities.
I am not a student and do not have a matric number, can I still use this application?
To sign up without students details or a matric number, tick the 'No' option for the 'Are you a student' section.
How do I create an account and log in to the app?
From the web app's main page, click the Get Started button to go to the sign up page. Click the Log in button to go to the log in page.